Expectations and needs in terms of services continue to change under the impetus of younger generations and in response to the health crisis.
The importance of new technologies is changing the expectations of hotel customers, thus impacting the configuration of spaces in establishments. In the midst of change, living spaces no longer have a single use, but are becoming multifunctional. We are entering an era of decompartmentalization. These configurations offer, for example, the possibility of being able to work, eat or relax in the lobby. The rooms must be flexible to adapt to both tourist and business customers. The customer journey in the hotel must support this need for permanent connection while offering sensory decompression chambers.
Image management and the proximity found with its customers is another of the major trends that we observe. Boutique hotels have understood this. Indeed, they continue to develop by focusing on very sharp work around their image with strong concepts and a presence on social networks to reach connected targets. Customer testimonials on Instagram replace traditional reviews and the place comes to life under the impetus of these ambassadors and their photographs in situation.

Moreover, after two chaotic years, travelers aspire to a logic of "wellness" even in the context of business trips. Well-being cures will be more and more offered but they too must be transformed. Beyond the spa, it is the search for global fitness including nutrition and care that is one of the underlying trends. Clients seek out experts to find sleep, physical or mental shape in places conducive to this need for health and well-being.
Finally, micro adventures in the middle of nature are alternatives to traditional trips, and this is an opportunity for the hospitality of tomorrow. This need to find meaning and exchange should allow the hotels of the major chains to once again focus on people and proximity by offering adequate local services.
In this context, betting on the senses and the olfactory is key to supporting this transformation. Perfumes have already penetrated the world of hospitality for several years, but here again, new scenarios must be studied and proposed, such as the choice of scent by the customer or the work around an olfactory journey inside the the establishment.
