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The power of smell: memory, health and sensory marketing

Le pouvoir du marketing sensoriel pour favoriser la mémoire et le bien-être

We often tend to underestimate the sense of smell, relegating it to the rank of a simple sensor of good smells and bad smells. But did you know that it plays a much more important role in our lives?

A recent article, "The Connections Between Smell, Memory, and Health" par Molly McDonough (2024), explores this fascinating connection in depth. We discover how smells influence our memory, our health and how they are used in marketing and care for the elderly.

Smells and memories: a time journey

Imagine a scent that instantly takes you back to a specific moment in your childhood, like the smell of grandmother's cakes or the smell of the forest during a family walk. It’s the magic of smell!

Recent studies confirm that our olfactory system is closely linked to areas of the brain responsible for learning, emotions and memory. A smell associated with a strong emotional experience can be stored and reactivated years later by the simple act of smelling it again, this is the power of sensory marketing.

Smell: an ally for health

Smell is not limited to memories. It can also have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Aromatherapy, for example, uses essential oils to improve well-being and can reduce stress, anxiety and pain.

  • Mood and sleep: Essential oils like lavender and chamomile have relaxing properties.

  • Appetite: Certain smells, such as those of spices, can stimulate the appetite.

  • Immune system: Research suggests that smell may play a role in the functioning of the immune system.

Conversely, loss of smell can be a warning sign of certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Improve your well-being through sm

Smell is a sense that we can easily use to improve our daily lives:

  • Aromatherapy: Use a diffuser to create a relaxing or stimulating atmosphere depending on your needs.

  • Room fragrances: Opt for candles or scent diffusers to create a pleasant olfactory environment.

  • Scent Meditations: Some guided meditation practices incorporate smell for a more immersive sensory experience.

Diffusion of professional smells for nursing homes: Eco.French.Lab serving well-being

In accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad), the diffusion of professional odors can help improve the well-being of residents. Studies have shown that essential oils like lavender and chamomile can reduce restlessness and anxiety, while improving mood and sleep quality.

Eco.French.Lab: tailor-made solutions for unique sensory marketing

Eco.French.Lab is a French company that offers tailor-made professional odor diffusion solutions.

  • Expertise and advice: Eco.French.Lab works in collaboration with its clients to create olfactory environments adapted to their specific needs.

  • Natural and responsible scents: Eco.French.Lab uses high quality ingredients and natural and responsible perfumes for a positive impact on the environment.

So, don't wait any longer to explore the power of smell! It's a fascinating sense that can improve your memory, health and well-being.

Anne-Marie Spencer

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