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Made in France

Writer's picture: EFLEFL

Companies are more and more inclined to buy "Made in France" products.

More and more French companies are sensitive to the purchase of “Made in France” products, according to a study by Agile Buyer and the National Purchasing Council on relations between customers and suppliers published on Tuesday.

“Made in France (or local purchase) is considered by a majority of buyers (53%) as a business award criterion” in 2019, explains the study.

"Not only does this percentage go above the 50% mark for the first time since it was measured, but it is also progressing steadily: only 31% in 2017 and 43% in 2018", specifies Olivier Wajnsztok, associate director of AgileBuyer.

To explain this development, the study invokes “a certain change in mentality” among buyers. "Totally incongruous just a few years ago, the idea of ​​having business award criteria related to the +Made in France+ has made its way", underlines the survey, adding that it should not be see “an exacerbated patriotism”.

However, this trend varies by sector. In hotels and restaurants as well as in fashion or luxury - sectors where buying local has become a "trademark", respectively 78% and 64% of buyers favor products made in France.

In branches where production is internationalized, a product made in France is not a criterion for selecting a supplier. Thus, the level drops to 32% in the automobile sector.

On the price side, only 10% of buyers believe that "Made in France" is a constraint because it would amount "according to them, to buy more expensive", adds the document. The study also reveals that cost reduction will remain for 75% of respondents the first objective for the year 2019, a result which increases by 3 points compared to the previous year.

This increase "still reflects a concern of the purchasing departments for 2019, in a political and economic context, both internationally and nationally, more tense than in 2018", underlines Olivier Wajnsztok. Indeed, "a number of organizations have already anticipated an economic downturn and therefore future cost reductions."

Here again, the interest varies according to the sectors. Indeed, "industrial companies are more focused on this objective than service companies", finds the survey. This study was conducted among 692 purchasing professionals using an online questionnaire, from November 19 to November 30, 2018. Source: Luxury Journal

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