It is to the famous Faith Popcorn (great lady spotter of trends in the USA) that we owe the term "cocooning" to designate this trend from the 80s consisting in finding refuge in one's interior in order to isolate oneself from the world. outside in a warmer environment. In the 2000s, another concept emerged: hiving (or "ruchage" in French), which is the art of living well at home while remaining open to the world.

In other words, hiving is the pleasure of receiving people at home and sharing their knowledge of decoration, cooking, etc. with loved ones. The interior decoration and layout have adapted to these new trends with more spacious reception rooms, kitchens open to the living room. Every detail is thus studied with natural light created by skilfully displayed candles, soft welcoming interior fragrances and designer accessories that magnify any decor. So don't wait any longer, it's back to the "hiving" season!