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Employer branding: the role of perfume


Barely out of the health crisis, companies are facing a major challenge consisting of mixing teleworking and returning to the office. Gone are the days when employees dreamed of spending their entire career in a renowned group... At a time of zapping vocations, of relative full employment, it is necessary for HRDs to provide a conclusive answer to this question: “ but why should I come back to work on site when I am efficient at home? ".

The big topic at the moment is therefore, in particular for large structures, to find ways to reinvent the office living space to motivate people to come to the sites.

The sense of the collective, the idea of ​​"working together" must animate all reflections. The objective is to make coming to the office unique by offering services, entertainment, a program of experiences and by valuing collective working time.

It is indeed the relationship to time and work that must be rethought. Companies are thinking about the need to smooth site traffic by encouraging attendance at the beginning and end of the week, which is currently greatly lacking. There is even talk of hotel codes that would fit into the business world with ongoing tests around “loyalty programs” for example. HR departments, site management and employer brand management have understood the need to be agile, to test, to experiment. It is a question of supporting and encouraging the return to the office on the one hand and at the same time of hearing and taking into account the need of employees for personal space on the other hand. For this, there is no miracle solution at this stage but the need to test, learn, correct and re-test again. In this, perfume is a new and particularly effective potential solution. Indeed, a corporate fragrance can participate in recreating a link, a unity, a shared vision around its values.

Beyond the creation of a pleasant environment in a reception hall or a rest room as is the case in a hotel, an olfactory identity has the capacity to generate co-creation through the involvement of collaborators, but also rootedness and cohesion in a very concrete way. Olfactory marketing makes it possible to federate and fix in the memories a pleasant experience of this moment at the office. This is why we support new projects around the employer brand because perfume is a great sensory marketing tool to add an extra dimension to a brand. The olfactory develops it, enriches it, gives it meaning and makes it unique.

Perfume, well beyond the mere fact of diffusing a pleasant smell, finds its place more than ever in logics specific to the business world. Concentration, creativity, team building, stress management, ... so many themes for which a fragrance can accompany a global approach of the company and give it its full meaning.



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