A scent in a medical office
Laetitia is a liberal nurse in Marseille.
She is very sensitive to smells and wanted to install a professional perfume diffuser in the waiting room of her medical office. Furthermore, as a smoker, she was looking for a solution to manage tobacco odours in her car because she spends a lot of time there in between her patient visits. Laetitia gives us her testimony on scent fragrance in the health sector.
Hello Laetitia, why did you want to diffuse a scent in the waiting room of your medical office?
I have always loved perfumes and I have a particularly keen sense of smell! At the office, we see many patients and I was not satisfied with the smell of the waiting room. I tried reed diffusers but it didn't work so I looked for another solution. I searched and contacted the EcoFrenchLab team who recommended a small programmable device, the Réo, which is an electric perfume diffuser that is super easy to manage. I chose a rather light perfume with rather sweet and relaxing notes. I operate the diffuser according to opening hours and then I don't take care of it anymore. I've been using it for 4 months and I'm very happy with it.
Which device did you choose for the car?
Unfortunately, I am a smoker and I smoke a lot in my car... I know, it's not good... As a result, there was a very unpleasant smell in the vehicle and again, I had tried several diffusers of car perfume but I didn't like the perfumes at all. An EcoFrenchLab expert recommended the small Réo perfume diffuser which fits perfectly where the bottles hold. All that remained was to choose the perfume: I wanted a slightly leathery scent because personally, I like powerful room fragrances and we found a scent that I really like called Velvet Leather.
What do your patients think of the scent in the waiting room?
Frankly, they are very happy and so am I. You know, it may seem anecdotal but anything that can reassure and calm a patient is interesting. I worked at the hospital in neurology and we used essential oils at the bedside of certain patients. Personally, I am absolutely convinced of the benefits of perfumes and their necessity!
Like Laetitia, don't hesitate to improve your patients' experience by scenting your spaces and even your car.
At EcoFrenchLab, we support health professionals like Laetitia by offering them professional perfume diffusers adapted to each space: from the car to the waiting room. Our perfumes are designed and produced in strict compliance with the legislation regarding the diffusion of scents in order to guarantee you complete safety.