Our vision: “slow perfumery” or “reasoned perfumery”
Prioritize short circuits
Promote refillable containers
Seeking sobriety in each production
But never at the expense of creativity, quality and innovation.

As we see the “green” trend developing in many sectors, the ultimate goal being to achieve a circular economy, we seek for each olfactory marketing project, for each of our customers, to produce better.
To claim that a recycled ingredient has been used in a fragrance, it must constitute at least 0.01% of the fragrance. The use of recycled ingredients is a major trend in perfumery that we seek to foster.
-Recovery of waste (example flower petals already distilled)
-Creation of new fully-fledged recycled products
- Energy savings
Our perfumers and partners skilfully select the raw materials to create perfumes that can be 100% biodegradable.
To affirm that a perfume is biodegradable, we refer to an aquatic environment as in the case of washing gels or shower gels, in order to validate the real biodegradability of the products.

Resources preserved
respect for nature
Reproduction of the smell of living flower
Perfumes or base natural fragrances
We use with our partner perfume houses a technology called Head space to preserve the natural resources of the flowers. The principle of this technique is to absorb the scent of a flower without cutting it, in order to analyse and reproduce the different constituents.
More concentrated fragrances
Reduction of the amount of raw materials
Reduction of the packaging
Reduction of the energy expenditure
We collaborate with the most innovative partners to offer our customers a unique fragrance concentration technology to create fragrances that use only 10% of the usual dosage without compromising on the quality of diffusion.

Our commitments for olfactory marketing
more eco-responsible
Do not oppose natural and synthetic perfume.
But seek all the means at our disposal to preserve our natural resources and our environment.

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